Professional Bodies

The professionalism that will revolutionise the security sector begins and ends with you.

You exist to shape standards for the industry, now and in the future. This is an ongoing challenge, as the dynamic needs of modern security require ever-changing expectations and an evolving skillset.

Professional bodies, like yours need to be at the forefront of networking, accreditation, regulation, education and training, as well as leading the public awareness around security. You’re also invested in broadening the horizons and ambitions of your members, to keep professionals engaged, and to engage the next generation of talent.

It's a lot.

How can the Security Skills Board help?

We can work together to make security a rewarding career choice for ambitious professionals. We can shape new training, new standards, new expectations, and carve out new opportunities to make security an exceptional career.

Make your pledge

Sign our pledge, and join us in advocating for a new kind of professionalism in this industry.

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